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How do I verify my PayPal account?
To use all the benefits that come along with a PayPal account, you need to get your account verified
soon after you complete the PayPal sign-up procedure. However, a lot of users are still using unverified
PayPal login account as they are not able to complete the account verification process. This may
happen, maybe because they do not know the exact procedure to do it, or maybe because they are
doing it in an incorrect manner.
Thus, to help such users we are going to list the steps to get your PayPal account verified so that you can
easily go ahead with using all the features and benefits of being a PayPal customer. By sharing the
requested verification details with PayPal, it will get to know that the information that you used to
complete the sign-up process on PayPal is completely valid.
But, the question is how to get your PayPal account verified. And, the answer to this question is, by
adding your bank account. And, the process to add your bank account to your PayPal login account has
been discussed below.